Half Dozen Roses Floral Arrangement


This elegant half dozen roses arrangement offers a timeless display of beauty and love. With six stunning roses, it’s the perfect way to express affection, admiration, or celebrate a special moment. Simple yet breathtaking, this bouquet makes any occasion unforgettable.

Delivery available to Hood River, White Salmon, and throughout the Columbia River Gorge.

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This elegant half dozen roses arrangement offers a timeless display of beauty and love. With six stunning roses, it’s the perfect way to express affection, admiration, or celebrate a special moment. Simple yet breathtaking, this bouquet makes any occasion unforgettable.

Delivery available to Hood River, White Salmon, and throughout the Columbia River Gorge.

This elegant half dozen roses arrangement offers a timeless display of beauty and love. With six stunning roses, it’s the perfect way to express affection, admiration, or celebrate a special moment. Simple yet breathtaking, this bouquet makes any occasion unforgettable.

Delivery available to Hood River, White Salmon, and throughout the Columbia River Gorge.